APALA's Racial Justice Toolkit
A guide to the labor movement for how we can build a workers’ movement that is truly inclusive of all workers and that fights to end anti-Asian racism with the same fervor as we fight for workers’ rights.
In this toolkit you can find recommendations on substantive actions you can take, beyond statements and resolutions, to stop treating Asian American workers as invisible, disposable, and perpetual foreigners and commit to a vision of inclusion and justice for all workers.

Resource Guide on Anti-Asian Violence
APALA envisions a society where economic and racial justice prevails, human rights and worker dignity are affirmed, and where a healthy, sustainable planet is able to offer a better life for Asian/Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Black, brown, and Indigenous folks, and all communities fighting oppression. This is a living community document and not meant to be comprehensive.
Washington State Labor Council
Immigrant and Worker Justice Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide documented and undocumented workers, worker advocates and union leaders with the resources and support they need to create a just and fair future for immigrants in the United States. We understand the fight for immigrant justice and the fight for worker justice to be one in the same, and that all union members deserve the right to equal protection from their union. The vision for this toolkit is to empower leaders in the labor movement to use their existing structures of leverage as both shields for their immigrant workers and platforms for justice.